photo credit: What I learned about the 9-ll is that everyone was having a normal day then they were walking and saw a plane crash in the twin towers. Everyone thought it was a acident, but then another one crashed in the side of the tower an then they knew it was no acident they knew something was going on.When kids were in school the teachers gatherd in the library and was watching the news they were trying to act like it was a normal day and not tell the kids then they relized the moms knew what was happening so they were calling the school one by one picking up there kids they once knew another plane crashed in the octogon, the plane driver knew that it had to be highjackers.When the octogon crashed a group of people went to go fight aginst highjackers they once knew america was being attacked when the twin towers crashed everyone was shocked they know what to do. After a few year later they bulided a another trades center but only one so if that tragic acedient happend again it wouldn’t be so bad,they kept the indecion of the bulidings and when they went to cover it up they saw the print of the 2 twin towers after a few years later every thought it was a tragic acident since then people will always rember the people who saved hundreds of peoples life just rember thet
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